6 18

Just my take, but isn't presenting the bible as the literal word of god "worshiping a graven image" and claiming yourself as it's interpreter "bearing false witness".

Buttercup 8 Dec 31

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Idolatry, in Judaism and Christianity, is the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God. It's a charge one could most justifiably levy against the literalists who believe in the Bible's inerrancy.


Mormons call it "Lying for the Lord" and it is an accepted missionary tool
Just another version of "The end justifies the means"

You are welcome, I was unaware of it too until I was called as a stake missionary, a calling that was no small contributor to my eventual apostasy.


@Buttercup - I understand your wonderful "presenting the bible as the literal word of god "worshiping a graven image" and claiming yourself as it's interpreter "bearing false witness"."
IMO Watts's statement is pretentious nonsense!

The "anybody" is overstatement, as were many of Jesus' s teachings. But if one substitutes " be wary that those who claim... don't pick your pocket....", then it's a pretty clever statement IMO.


Logic has no place in fairy tales


As is putting up the 10 commandments all over worshipping a graven image, but they'll never accept that.


Yes, of course it is. But lying for Jesus or lying for God, truthfulness and honesty are the first moral precepts jettisoned by believers.

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