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What's the difference between man made climate change and Bullshit??
Real Climate Scientists Say We Should Embrace HIGHER CO2 Levels

1patriot 8 Dec 31

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I do sometimes learn something from your posts. I now know who Patrick Moore is and he ain’t a climate scientist………

he's a scientist, to this day no one in greenpeace is a scientist you should know that too! you should also know that CO2 is not a pollutant, even the EPA declared it in 2015 which is lie and it has no relationship to climate warming

@1patriot Okay, then explain the graphs that are shown in the articles you post showing the relationship between CO2 levels and average global temperatures!! The way you type’s always contradict yourselves is why you will never have any credibility outside of your own echo chamber.

@Dhiltong you will have to post which graph your speaking of? to just generalize your reply does not show what graphs as i have not looked at every post with in this post! [] It is generally accepted that CO2 is lagging temperature in Antarctic graphs. To dig further into this subject therefore might seem a waste of time. But the reality is, that these graphs are still widely used as an argument for the global warming hypothesis. But can the CO2-hypothesis be supported in any way using the data of Antarctic ice cores?

At first glance, the CO2 lagging temperature would mean that it’s the temperature that controls CO2 and not vice versa.

@Dhiltong is this the one

@1patriot That one just shows theoretical levels of CO2 over time. The graph below is the only one that is recent enough to be considered accurate because it is from direct measurements. This is the first I’ve heard of temperature influencing CO2 levels. I’d like to see an explanation of the mechanism behind that.

@Dhiltong this doesn't even show who's graph it is looks like fucking al gore's hockey stick graph that's so full of shit everyone laughs at it!

@Dhiltong Carbon dioxide (CO2) has also increased over the last 100 years-- from about 300 ppm to 370 ppm. Interestingly, the majority of these additions have occurred in the last 50 years, when temperature increases have been slowest. Independent data from orbiting satelites have been continuosly measuring global temperatures since the 1970's and indicate that over the last 25 years there has actually been a slight decrease in overall global temperatures. we are now at some of the lowest levels of CO2 in the history of our earth and we have had big warm and and cold history's all taken from ice cores. this graph show who's graph it is and correlation of temp has no relation ship to hot or cold with regards to CO2.... your parroting the MSN bullshit story. []

@1patriot The article where I pulled that graph states the source as a US governmental agency that compiles data from various sources. Al Gores hockey stick graph was just speculation. That article you shared is 11 years old, the current state of climate science has evolved considerably since then. I’m not familiar with the MSN story you refer to. The bottom line here is nobody possesses a crystal ball, so no matter what side of the debate you are on it’s all just speculation.

@Dhiltong our temp has dropped in the last 25 years....not speculation our CO2 has risen to 370 ppm not speculation. the long term graph i showed was from ice cores that show there is no correlation to global warming and CO2 not speculation either....IPPC is not a trusted site as they are paid to to tell us bullshit just like the UN, WHO, WEF and many others under the davo's group....they are trying to control the people of this planet through the 2030 agenda....and it will be because of climate catastrophe hopefully you see can see it. it's all bullshit.

@1patriot We obviously live in different realities, I think most of your arguments are also bullshit. So any further discussion is pointless.

@Dhiltong keep your mind open and watch what happening turn MSM off (Main stream media )
Anyone remember electing this clown🤡 to dictate what kind of agriculture and diets are permissible? Nope, me neither.

WHO head, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declares war on meat and traditional agriculture, in the name of fighting "climate change":
this same guy killed how many people in Ethiopia....



The problem with this is the politicization of the fact of anthropogenic climate change. It's a shame really because if everyone would take a beat then we could transition away from fossil fuels at a pace no one would panic over. The future is clean and abundant renewable energy through things like wind, solar, and nuclear fusion. I'm against banning gas vehicles. As long as they are the most cost effective and reliable option we shouldn't force BEV. But if you've driven one then you might get an inkling that they are the future. At some point I think battery technology will allow a BEV to get better range than any gas vehicle and recharging times or stations won't be a limiting factor. We're not there yet. So let manufacturers continue to improve electric cars and when I as a consumer look to buy a vehicle and I see that BEV is the most reliable and cost effective (and fun) option then I choose it. Until then I'll keep buying gas.

I wouldn't feel comfortable dissing climate science as I am not a scientist. If I were in politics I would have a scientific advisory board comprised of non-partisan scientists and I would hold hearings to have them explain their conclusions and provide recommendations. Then I would have legislators determine the economic and political impacts. It's a balancing act.

The ultimate goal is an acknowledgement of the desire to have our country be a leader in the future. New industries, new technologies, new capabilities, and new opportunities should be seized. But they need to be done in a way that doesn't slam existing industries or negatively impact the economy.

It's a bit scary for sure. Look how fast vehicles caused a transition from horse drawn. But we let progress march forward and yes an entire industry to deal with the horses was no longer needed. But we owned the future.

So C02 is the wrong focus. Clearly when billions of dollars are involved there will be resistance to change which means any argument for why we need to change will be swiftly rejected and fiercely argued against. But the future is coming and we need to be ready. The Middle East used to be the place for intellectual growth and scientific discovery but they gave up the future. I just don't want us to give up ours simply because we're tired of hearing about climate change.

Damn woke liberal, talking realistic common sense😉

Seems like a well reasoned path forward. This is the kind of thing I had hoped to hear in the republican debates, not the petty squabbling that we heard.

there are better technologies now than electric hydrogen vehicles []
and their is ammonia to power you fuel vehicles []

i am not sure that electric will ever be the the way as the heavy cost of the battery. the cost of charging them. yes hemp batteries maybe but i i have doubts

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