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I just watched this movie on Netflix, The Bank of Dave. and thought it was very well done, with a great message. Very uplifting. If you have access to Netflix, this is a very nicely done movie. Oh, and Def Leppard makes an appearance.

Redheadedgammy 9 Jan 3

Enjoy being online again!

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We do have credit unions which are local banks. They pay me a dividend each spring. I pay for nothing except recently for a book of (no-one uses) cheques.


I enjoyed it too. Need to ask my relatives if it was a fair account of the reality. Had a Robin Hood element to it. The banks tried to undermine it since it took biz away from them.


In Britain, there has been for a long time a traditional form of bank, which I don't think you have in the USA, called a "building society". Which traditionally, were mutual and none profit making, and got their name, because they only lent money for house buying. Sadly over the years many of them gradually, and faster after M. Thatcher changed the regulations, lost their original ethos and morphed into profit making banks, little different from all the others.

This is talked about in the movie. How the banks really did very little for the common man who earns under 100,000 a year in income. Those big banks would always loan to those who didn't need it, but wouldn't even entertain loaning to a middle class person. The movie is really uplifting and positive.


I saw this advertised in my Netflix list…now that you’ve recommended it I’ll watch it some time Rhonda…

I believe you will like the movie Marje. There are no big stars in the movie. However, the actors in the movie are top notch and relatable. ❤️

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