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Yes they caught stupid and some stupid is running around raping children that's who we need to catch. most pedophile are the woke liberal types we have them in government everywhere

1patriot 8 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I just got covid for the first time since the epidemic. What did I have if it wasn't covid?

Tejas Level 8 Jan 7, 2024

the flu!

@1patriot the flu gave me a bunch of weird symptoms including not being able to taste or smell things?

@Tejas yes it was a nasty flu some people it took 8 weeks to get over it! most people it affected the lungs. i hope your feeling better if you fought that off in 2 weeks your immune system is strong!

@1patriot I'm getting over the last of it now. I had a fever on and off for three days and a mix of other symptoms. Now I'm stuck with a cough and no taste or smell

@Tejas you need to take NAC 1000mg per day at bed time also Quercetine plus all your vitamins D3, C, B, A and zinc everything from a health food store. get your self one of oximeter
normal is 97% oxygen in your blood if your low it will be 88%-93%



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