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Any Game Of Thrones fans here? Was recently revisiting the series, and the series finale which had upset so many fans, got me thinking about similar incidents that are readily observable in daily life.

GOT was centered around warring kingdoms fighting for claim to the Iron Throne, and I think similar is occuring in my country at this very moment. Except there's not a battle between rival kingdoms & kings and queens, but rather a battle for power and control from varying political factions like democratic socialists/fascists/anarchists/and capitalists etc.

The concept of absolute power does indeed eventually corrupt absolutely, given enough time gone by. Without giving away the ending of the series for those who may not yet have watched it, I must ask this question... How many times throughout the course of humanity have there been individuals from all walks of life who had harbored the purist and most noble of intentions, only to turn around and eventually become a version of the very thing they claim to have been fighting against? That was the downfall of the GOT character Daenerys Targaryen, she honestly believed that her intentions and actions were benevolent for everyone, and in the end they were anything but that, and thankfully a few other of the main cast of characters realized that with one of said characters ending Daenerys' reign of terror. That all aside, I now think that was a fitting series finale, as the craziness and consequent evil were properly addressed.

Now to back to reality... I observe (some) people around me acting out in a manner similar to Daenerys Targaryen, and from an outsider's independent perspective on the matter such individuals do not actively realize what they're doing and what they're supporting. Such individuals believe their vision(s) for society are the best and kindest for all, not realizing that if any of their visions have to more or less be forced upon everyone else then maybe their ambitions and goals are not all that wonderful afterall. I'm not taking sides there either, as over the years I've observed both political extremes (and even some of those in the middle) acting out in such a manner. There's something truly insidious about the "benevolent dictator" mentality.

Bottom line is, I must question if any one given human being (or collective of like-minded individuals) is truly qualified to make decisions that affect everyone else's life? Knowing the vast diversity there is in thoughts and individual likes & dislikes, I would say no to that question. Don't tell me about voting either, because the minority would lose out and ultimately have no say at the hands of the majority who may very well not be right in their conclusions. I suspect those that are hyping democracy now might not be as eager to do so should someone like Donald Trump get elected President again, yet such a result would be from the democratic process with the majority winning out, and a big middle finger to the concerned minority of voters there. As for me personally, I think the only individual who could truly make the most informed decisions for others, is the self, each individual making their own choices. And I think the GOT series finale illustrated quite well the folly of "pure intentions" and pushing said pure intentions on everyone else, under the guise of what's perceived to be best for all. Our politicians are certainly guilty of such a mentality.

Cyberpunk2027 6 Jan 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I really loved this show, all the work Daenerys did in freeing slaves and destroying the people who mistreated these people went up in fire at the end of the series. Just like real life and seeing that it will have to get worse before anything gets better. We're all so divided and hating one another, it's sad, just like the ending of GOT.

All the stories and secrets kept at death about Jon Snow being the true chosen one to just throw it away and give it to Bran. All that build up for nothing, was very disappointing.

I'll revisit series that I enjoy but I will never watch this final season ever again. I've never seen such a travesty in a production as huge and complex as this one.

@Lauren It was so bad! They ruined her character and Jon Snow's! To give it all to Bran and I forgot her name in the show, his red headed sister! Yes, she did endure a lot but Daenerys deserved better and so did Jon.

@Lauren, @Cyberpunk2027 Bran didn't do much, all he did was see visions but couldn't do much about those visions, Hordor was the saddest death besides the burning alive of the daughter with grey scale.

@michelle666gar @cyberpunk2027 Those were amazing characters and it hurt a lot when they died, and I get that they wanted to give Daenerys some conflict with power issues but they just threw her out altogether, so where was the conflict? Truthfully, Bran left me cold through most of the series. They had a whole season and yet it was so... blah.

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