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Article: "With his Iowa Republican primary win, Donald Trump has created another reality, where facts and logic don't rule"

The article asks :

"Why do those ( Trump) messages land?

Because many Americans feel — justifiably in many cases — that "The Elites", "The Establishment", the economy, major political parties and the way money and power are distributed in America do not work for them."

Well, ok, but how really pathologically stupid, dillusional, ignorant, and just plain dumb do you have to be not see that Trump represents the utter worst of the elites and money and power? Apparently a lot of Americans are.

David1955 8 Jan 16

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What is so bizarre is how Trump goes on about how the rest of the world thinks the US is a disgrace because of the democrats. Projection, always projection. The US is a disgrace to Humanity, but wacko Evangelicals embracing a proven traitor, insurrectionist, rapist, foreign agent, and incompetent loser is our own humiliating shame on us all. (Not to mention trashing our own Constitution)


Aw, do you need to go that far down into the dumps?


Yes they are. Almost as though they are a Cult. Well, more than almost. 🤭

Yeah, "almost"?


Unbelievably sad to know that so many Americans are THAT divorced from reality and logic!

The Trumpers are trying to out-do the Nazis. Humanity is pathetic.

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