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Stolen shit of stories, miracles, heroes, victories, customs and beliefs - that's the stuff religion is made of.

St-Sinner 9 Jan 16

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I'm sick of everyone trying to give Africans credit for everything. It's the least accomplished and least developed continent, and that's okay. Giving them credit for things they are not responsible for diminishes them as a whole.

Tejas Level 8 Jan 16, 2024

Your opinion is noted.

@jlynn37 your note is noted

@jlynn37, @Tejas Life sure gets tejas now doesn't it. 🙂

You remind me of Rick Santorum who says that when white Europeans came to the U.S., there was nobody here, nothing here. It is a serious lack of education for who wanted to be president.

The Dravidians in South India are direct descendents of Africans just like the aboriginals are in Australia. The post is not about giving credit but about the link in the cultures.

@St-Sinner everyone can be traced back to Africa if you go far enough, thats not really my point though. Natives in the America's immigrated from Asia, the aboriginals immigrated from Asia Europeans immigrated from Asia. And Asians immigrated from Africa. Still none of that is my point.


Most people will agree with you that African societies today have shown that they cannot govern, cannot progress, cannot invent, cannot lead and have failed to take advantage of modern democracies and it's fruits. The same is story of India or Afghanistan. The Afghans ruled India for thousands of years and except for two successful and expansive Kingdoms (Ashoka and Maurya both 2,500 years ago), India was defeated, conquered, subjugated and ruled for 3,500 years continuously since but they still sing ballads of how great they were 4,000 years ago.

I am just pointing out that religion, and many cultural aspects like heritage, practices have been products of human migrations, story telling which recycled shit from one land to another... when in fact people have been taking pride that they are unique and original. You also know Christianity borrowed a lot and often word for word, fable for fable from older times and other cultures.

@Grinch1970 where in my comment do you pick up so much emotion? Maybe annoyance at todays delusional woke minority, but not very "emotional".

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