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Only 5 % of the world’s population have ever been on a plane. Wow.

Jolanta 9 Jan 17

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I had to look this up because I couldn’t believe it! There ware a few different stats, but the one that agrees with this post says:

FLYING MAY not be as glamorous as it once was, but it still makes for an exclusive experience: Only about 5% of the world's population has ever been on an airplane (though more than 80% of Americans have).

Don't believe much of what you read on the internet.
Please explain & reference the evidence of this 5%.


Isn't 5% of world population about 350-400 million?
According to []
the 2019 number of people flying internationally only, ie. excluding internal flights, was 1463.52 million persons.

Doesn't that count the same Michael Clayton's who fly daily?

@CallMeDave Probably.
Smithsonian Magazine made a brave attempt to quantify the numbers back in 2016 but failed miserably

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