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Daniel george writes;
Remember your neighbors that enabled this AGENDA!!!May they die a horrific DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mia Frank write In reply to Daniel george:
Actually my neighbors who helped enable the agenda are almost all dead from the clot shot. 6 funerals all in my immediate surrounding neighbors, within the last 4 months. Not counting those from the year previous.

Klaus Schwab is the Founder of the World Economic Forum. Some of his most notable quotes are, “We penetrate the Cabinets”, “You will take the Genetic Editing”, “Imagine a Cyber Attack” and “Prepare for a Great Reset”.

He’s an UNELECTED Globalist and a Psychological Terrorist.

1patriot 8 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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You just need to drink some more of that Global Warming coolaid.

yea i can't believe how many people are follow even people that tell what genius they are and i give them a climate report written by a genius they say it's bullshit...LOL

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