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Nearly 75% of the US is at risk from damaging earthquakes, new map reveals


TheoryNumber3 8 Jan 19

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I've been through an earthquake, once when I was working at the Seattle Post Intelligencer and then the Nisqually quake in 2001. It was center on the west side of the Cascades but was felt all the way east to the Cle Elum area. Two of my neighbor's wells went dry!!

I experienced a couple when I lived in California. They were small, but terrifying. We moved back to Chicago just a short time before the SF-Oakland bridge collapse. It was very close to where we lived.


So what? Am I going to move? Should I stay awake at night worrying about it? I don't care.

@Druvius Of the dozens of things one could worry about (market crash, tornadoes, civil war, flooding, terrorist attack, plague, cancer, etc.), earthquake is way down the list. But then I choose not to worry about any of them. The probability of them happening is small, and my being able to predict or stop them non existent. So why worry. If they should happen, like everyone else, I will deal with them. Until that time, enjoy what we have.

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