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People are not poor because ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 25

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"Trickle down" was mind numbingly stupid from the get go, that so many Americans fell for it shows just what an ignorant country America has truly become.

Yeah, most people have never run a business and so don't understand how "trickle down" would actually work.

For those reading who don't know how it works Here is a brief oversimplified explanation of why trickle down will never work.

Let's say I own a business and the government cuts my taxes. However, the demand for my goods and/or services hasn't changed. So why would I hire any new people? Why would I give raises to any of my employees? What is my incentive? Just because I now have more money, why should I spread it around? Why wouldn't I just keep the money for myself?

The rich just kept the money they saved from the tax breaks they got... over and over again for the last 40 years, and for the average working person the only thing that ever trickled down was the tax burden.

You see, when the Federal government cut taxes for the rich they had less money, so they in turn cut funding to State and local governments. Then State and local governments had to raise taxes and fees to make up the difference and that was in turn paid mostly by regular working people.

The amount of the tax burden that trickled onto working people was not enough to cover the money the rich no longer paid though, so the difference was just added to the deficit and the national debt, which is how the national debt ballooned so large over the last 40 years. However, this in turn makes the rich even richer, because the bonds sold to cover the national debt are mostly bought by the rich who earn interest by lending the government money. The money borrowed is the very same money they no longer have to pay in taxes, and so they now earn interest on the taxes they no longer have to pay.

Now almost all of the wealth they have and maintain was made with the work of other persons, and ws not from work they actually have done themselves. The richer you get, the less work you actually have to do to maintain or create wealth, because you hire others to do most if not all of the work for you.

That is why we have a "progressive tax system" in the U.S. Income levels are tiered and as you income reaches each tier, the money earned within that income tier is taxed at a certain rate, and as you move up through each income tier, the tax rate increases. However the money in the lower tiers are still taxed at the rate of those lower tier rates. It is only money earned above those lower tiers that are taxed at higher rates.

The progressive tax system was first proposed in "The Wealth Of Nations" published in 1776 by Adam Smith.

The greatest economic growth and fastest increase in the standard of living in the U.S. happened from the end of WWII through the early 1960's when the top tier tax rate was at 91%, and when the rich and wealthy were being taxed at their highest historical rate. By trickle down theory, such taxation should have csused a recession if not another great depression. However, trickle down theory was just a load of bull shit from the beginning. It was a con to reduce the taxes for the rich and make ti so they could actually make interest money off of the money they would have otherwise paid in taxes. Period.


But the rich have the money to bribe the GOP. Pocket change for them really.

And the returns of investment are HUGE for them when they buy off GOP members ... along with a few democrats as well.

We really need to change how political campaigns are financed...

@snytiger6 Not just the Repubs, the rich and corporations also bribe the Dems in DC, that's why we always see plenty of Dem votes in congress for any tax cuts for the rich and corporations, as we always get true bipartisanship for this, and for endless wars of choice..

@TomMcGiverin Well, I like to think that some of the dems votes were the result of "horse trading" to get something else they want. However, I do realize that some of the dems have also "sold out" to the rich. So far, no where near as many as the sell out republicans.

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