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There doesn't seem to be a forum here for this subject: van/mobile/rv living. I know there are gazillions of youtube channels and other forums for this but is anyone here interested in this? Might be in my 5-year plan.

Alana 4 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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I also find this an interesting topic . I livlived in an RV somebody gave me that had a blown motor for about a year it's like the tiny house.

Free1 Level 2 July 8, 2018

There was a thread in the Outdoor/Caming group. I live in a 17 ft Doge Tioga. I’ve modified it with a door between the cab and living area and put up many shelves. I got over the door shelves too. I don’t use the table, I have a full bed instead. I’ve had it for almost four years. I’ve had to do a lot of work on it, and plan or redoing the roof (again) and reinsulating it.


I have been giving this some thought lately, as it seems to be something of a developing trend. My brother, and some friends of mine, have some really nice RV's, and have talked about some people they have met on the road and at gatherings who spend large blocs of time each year living in their rigs.

What exactly did you have in mind, insofar as making this a topic of discussion?

Sorry to be so long responding. Haven't been regular on this site. I would just like to learn more about full time van dwelling as I'm considering it down the line.


When you reach level four you can start an RV group, but for now, yes.
I'm very interested in mobile living. Especially the self-sustaining RVs that can morph into larger homes.

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