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German neurologist about face mask dangers Dr.-Margareta-Griesz-Brisson- []


I confirmed was SAR trained, including on being trained to know about "Confiend spaces" and the need for Oxygen, including Work Safe required Oxygen and C02 levels.... they got real pissed, as I included the research, and Work Safe requirements. oxygen level were to low. flyingsauce will have to find some better inform to out do this post or will he just shit on it because he doesn't agree LOL
so from our own test we found they deprive you of oxygen. face book fact checkers are full of shit .......

1patriot 8 Jan 26

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Masks are PPE, Personal Protection Equipment, never designed to protect others from you. Re viruses, like keeping mosquitoes out with chicken wire. This is what happens when you listen to the "wrong" experts.
Said from pretty well the start, covid pandemic is more a public safety issue than a medical one eg have hazard, poses risk, need control methods to complete tasks safely.
Listen to experts, just the right ones...

puff Level 8 Jan 26, 2024

but many want to believe the fact checker on social media i call fuck face

@1patriot People think science is whatever an official spokesperson says.
Science is a method of discovery which demands to be challenged and tested. So when these spokespeople speak gospel aka are above question, it ain't science.
When you trained for confined spaces, they did not get an expert scientist on asphyxiation to teach you how to do it safely, they got an expert in safety. Have a fire? You don't call the expert scientist on combustion, you call the fire brigade. Don't know why we were listening to experts who could tell us the genome sequence but had no idea about risk assessment or non medical safety measures.

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