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Humans are just a minor inconvenience

fedup 6 Jan 29

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Biochemical engineers and scientists in almost every field must feel pretty stupid when they hear what Carlin has to say on the topic.


George Carlin always made a lot of sense.


"Life On Our Planet" is flashy but has great animation mixed with live action. In it, they show 5 previous mass extinction events. Some fast and others more gradual. I am not alone in saying another one is in progress. How fast will it proceed?

We want to survive, but we insist on our own survival by having children. We define allowing others to have children as moral. This is an inherited value that developed before we started paving over everything and killing everything. So, we will honor having children until we kill ourselves.

Oh well. There's nothing special about us.


I’m familiar with this ,very insightful, typical George Carlin

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