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[] when billy Gates said we are going to reduces population by 10-15 percent any one remember that. i wasn't an anti vacer before but i am now!

1patriot 8 Jan 30

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Here's an article that counters that narrative.

this does not counter at all, Bill gates said at a ted talk, this is speaking of coivd and the vaccine. bill gates was not speaking of particular vaccine. he was just using them to reduce population.

@1patriot Fair enough, here’s something else to read.


what this until the 50 second mark i have seen this 10-12 times this guy speaking after i wouldn't waste my time...they have deleted this you tube video now

@1patriot I agree with the commentator, Gates wasn’t saying to use vaccines to de-populate. But what about that A hole Gates throwing out ideas to improve the lives and living standards for all people, what’s up with that😉

@Dhiltong are you sure he hasn't said that more than once?

@1patriot wouldn’t know, I don’t follow Gates or websites that complain about him.


If a medicine does not provide immunity, does not stop transmission then don't give it any credibility by referring to it as a vaccine.
Pre-emptive medicines will lessen symptoms and boost (not provide) immunity but not stop transmission.. That is what we have so call them what they are. The word "vaccine" gives the commercial product credibility it does not deserve.

puff Level 8 Jan 30, 2024
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