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As a kid I was told about god ...

snytiger6 9 Jan 30

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Even just telling someone that God is there for you to listen to your problems, or is always kind and loves you unconditionally - that comfort is also evil. All that does is relieve the responsibility that other real human beings have to care about you.

Spell "god" backwards and you get "dog" and my dog listens to all my woes without complaint.

@Betty Yeah. Pets are a lot more caring and loving than the god portrayed in any holy books.


When logic caused me to change my direction my step dad told me I was going to split hell wide open.


I can’t be the only one to notice that it’s a mouse and not a kid. I didn’t even know Mice practiced christianity?! They never came across as conservative types to me, but I suppose that’s just like human christians……😇


All god mobsters need to be shut down.


It is child abuse to use fear to achieve compliance.

Betty Level 8 Jan 30, 2024

I empathize, some of the crap my mother repeatedly told me, and the stupid tricks she pulled to keep me and my brother frightened of the devil, were child abuse, no ifs or buts about it.
She insisted it was all out of love and fear for our souls, but if a loving god demands a mother mentally damage her children if she loves them, to protect him from what this monstrous deity will do to the child if she does not, that is one fucked up kind of love.
My mother is dead now, so sadly she will never understand just how wrong she was.
However she lived to see me in therapy and my brother an alcoholic from the age of 14 in court for a series of increasingly vile offenses, responsibility for which she denied because she had done nothing but give us a fine "Christian upbringing".


I have a very pious cousin, she told me that when she was younger she was very worried about going to hell for inconsequential events. I felt sorry about how she tortured herself like that.


Perverse and demented child abuse.

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