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STUNNER! Scientists want ‘global moratorium’ on deadly mRNA shots
Amid evidence of problems, there began a move to take down the demands that children take the shots, and in some locations authorities have backed away even further.

Now there’s a new precedent being sought: a global moratorium on those injections.

According to a report from Liberty Counsel, a legal team long involved in the fight for the rights of people not to be forced to take such shots, “For the first time in a published and peer-reviewed paper, scientists are calling for a ‘global moratorium on modified mRNA products’ after surveying data from Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 ‘vaccine” trials.'”
“The scientists found that the trials were rushed, presented low efficacy, were contaminated with residual DNA impurities, and that the ‘vaccines’ present many ‘biological mechanisms’ that can cause serious adverse events. The authors also advised the COVID shots should be removed from the Childhood Adolescent Immunization Schedule until proper safety studies are conducted,” the report confirmed.

Stunningly, the study provided a “generous estimate” that two lives were saved from COVID for every 100,000 shots.

1patriot 8 Feb 5

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