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Lol woke are more like the dumb crowd especially after post back and forth with flyingsaucer and company he genuis you guys know that...a woke genuis flysaucer name like that he believes aliens from other planets have coming here wonder how many he's many craft has he sat in...did they let him test fly

1patriot 8 Feb 7

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Except the reality is Liberals and Democrats could care less what that moron Carlson does.....

So why would you care aren't you one of them liberal democrats? Tucker has exposed a lot corruption by the liberal/demoncrats

@1patriot I'm just me!! So give me an example of that corruption that Tucker has exposed? Oh, and can be backed up with actual (not alternative) facts........


@Dhiltong you will have to wait until i get home using my phone to search is a pain in the ass what do you watch to get the best news......

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