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Several years ago, Dr. Suzanne Humphries-provided solid evidence regarding what the rea; cause of Polito is. DDT, being sprayed for years... including one Valley I worked in.

"Where Did Polio Go? Here is Dr. Suzanne Humphries And A Mountain of Data To Tell You…"


Note, the Video linke-to You Tube; has been taken down.

Polio's decline, matched with the end of DDT spraying in Canada. DDT is still used in many Third World Countries.. (Vaccinated and made steril by Mr Gates. THe Documentation is becoming harder to discover. With Evil Fac Checkers; providing more lies nad intentional confusion.

Now the largest singel source of "Polio" is the bioweapon, injectables-being used.

All injcetions, ALL are bioweapons intended to harm, everyone.... ANd keep Big Harma, rolling in pesoes. Fiat Money, fake Money-being used to kill real people....

This link, might still provide truth;

"Dr Suzanne Humphries - Did Vaccines Eliminate Polio?"


A few video links reman "Alive". Most are blocked... removed... goned.
The attenuated poliovirus vaccine is causing (8 times) more polio cases than the infections with the wild polioviruses.


1patriot 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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