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Varretto writes: That’s how you determine the shape of Earth- by one tiny droplet?!

Jaco Bytes replies: to the flat earther

I don't remember saying that ... just that water can and will readily curve if it has to.

You could use the Atomic model with electrons circling around a central mass...Funny how microscopic atoms share a parallel with giant solar systems and planets that gravitate around a larger mass.

The fundamental principal to remember is that you cannot reason with cultists...Our own Government is made up of Corporate fascist cultists...has anyone of us ever been able to reason with them? Even though they used the equivalent of flat earth science for their mandates and humans being responsible for climate change, they portrayed us as the spreaders of disinformation... See the pattern?...There's just no way around convincing any brainwashed cult members of anything...I'm sorry to say!

Socratic logic and critical reasoning are of absolutely no use, and will never be used by folks who already KNOW everything there is to know.

Hence the old saying, surround yourself with folks who are searching for the truth, avoid those who insist they already own the truth. (More often than not these are the propagandists...) They pretend to KNOW IT ALL!

1patriot 8 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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