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A group of leading climate scientists has issued a warning to governments and the public after conducting a study that debunks the globalist anti-carbon agenda.

Three scientists, including the world-renowned Atmospheric Professor Yi Huang of Canada’s McGill University, have published a study showing that carbon dioxide is not causing a so-called “climate crisis.”

1patriot 8 Feb 10

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Questionable source.


very unreliable source fact checker in the supreme court were ruled as just opinions. why don't look for scientist that dispute his claims in steady of taking the lazy way out. well you won't find any scientists disputing this guy. world renown scientist.....LOL you keep listen to cnn your just going to get dumber and dumber....
but i bet you will find a bunch that back him up!

@1patriot Your time would be better spent becoming literate..

@LovinLarge says dumb and dumber


What’s so bad about mud huts? That’s my take away thought 😉

i am not living in one, but you know i don't mind if you want to live in one. in northern Canada. i have friends living grass huts in Mexico
so top world scientist from Canada is telling you CO2 is not a problem and you want to live in a mud hut....where in Africa them black will have dead within the year and move into your nice new mud hut.

@1patriot They call them cob houses over here 🙂 but still mud.
Yes what the scientist says is interesting, but much of the change being made is for us to become more sustainable on the planet; it’s still a very worthwhile goal. We can’t keep living as if the world is infinite when it’s definitely finite.

@girlwithsmiles sustainable is a got you word. so have you read agenda 2030 do you real know the meaning behind it they will control every aspect of your life if you eat too much they fine you, if your turn your furnace up they will fine you, you will be limited on the distance you can go from home and cut off your money you read up so you can keep them smiles going around!

@girlwithsmiles @girlwithsmiles sustainable is a got you word. so have you read agenda 2030 do you real know the meaning behind it they will control every aspect of your life if you eat too much they fine you, if your turn your furnace up they will fine you, you will be limited on the distance you can go from home and cut off your money you read up so you can keep them smiles going around! cause i would hate for you to lose your smile

@girlwithsmiles are cob house good for -40F weather?

@1patriot Found it, will check it out on my day off as looks substantial 😉 thanks.

@1patriot Apparently not your best option in a very cold climate, the South of UK doesn’t get that cold. Source of info: []

@girlwithsmiles like an earth house

@1patriot Yes. But totally made of mud. Similar properties to Vetsch’s


@1patriot []
Agenda 2030 sounds pretty positive to me. Is the US one very different? I only found this: []
Which is not as easy to read as ours.

@girlwithsmiles well it supposed sound fantastic. Expect they control your money you can't leave far from home or they will cut your money supply, they control what you eat they fine for eating to much all foods are genetically engineered that's why bill gates is building bug manufacturing plant and you will eat the bugs.... you should investigate more unless your all good with it....

@girlwithsmiles i can't open what you sent to me

@1patriot the 2 links? That’s strange, they both work for me. Can only apologise.

@girlwithsmiles i couldn't get to open on my phone was out getting blood work done. any way here a translation of 2030 and it capturing humanity to a for ever by big corporations only the super rich will own the planet. there taking your free speech, and they are enforcing all their garbage under the name of saving the planet (right a way every one things we have been bad to it. come to canada it's beautiful just like all countries are. []

look at all the protesting in Germany, France, Holland it all over this agenda
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