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Carbon Dioxide isn’t Warming the Earth. How do we know? It’s simple really
You have been told that carbon dioxide (“CO2&rdquo😉 is warming the Earth. It’s a lie.

Within a few minutes, host of The New American Ben Armstrong debunks the entire climate change story touted by Al Gore, Greta Thunberg, United Nations, World Economic Forum, corporate media, governments, professors, school teachers and anyone else who follows Agenda 2030’s climate change narrative.

What climate alarmists have done is reverse cause and effect. They are saying the effect of something is the cause, said Armstrong. However, rather than being the cause, CO2 in the atmosphere is the effect of warmer temperatures – first, there are warmer temperatures and then higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere follow.

How can I prove this? Armstrong asked. The oceans. The Oceans are the number one contributor to CO2 in the atmosphere. Watch Armstrong’s full explanation in the video below. It’s so simple even a child will understand.

1patriot 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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