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Wow! They found another lifeform in the Jab Vaxed Bio-Weapon

He calls it “The Thing.” The thing is in the Covid Vaccine.
It seems to have a head and 3 legs. It contains Aluminum, Bromine and Carbon.

It appears to grow multiple feet. It is like it has tentacles that can attach to parts of the body.

The life form is in the jabs and he says it is in eggs.

If the injection is tested in a bare dish, nothing is found and nothing happens. He said that some of the injections he tested were pure saline.

He says the Graphene in the Vaccines helps these grow, so the life forms may already be in the body too.

So, this is what I gather from Dr. Zalewski – the graphene appears to act some type of food or nutrition that gives the spark of life to whatever these hydra’s are.

He said he also found aluminum based life forms. It is made of 100% aluminum. He says we now have aluminum based beings inside of us.

Why do some get a vaccine with just saline solution and others get the ones with these eggs?

Dr. Franc Zalewski says that they want to grow and reproduce.

Dr. Franc Zalewski found that the test swabs contain titanium, aluminum and carbon. The swabs are to collect DNA. But, why do they need DNA? It obviously has nothing to do with health.

1patriot 8 Feb 13

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They've been experimenting on my relatives. They had a medication that had trackers in it

this is the 3rd parasite found this one has 3 legs and one head long white much like calamari this is the big one that blocks your arteries, very elastic.

@1patriot thats so weird amd abnormal it's hard for me to believe and easy to dismiss

@Communistbitch it your decision remember the bio labs in the Ukraine that's what bio labs are doing these days looking for way to kill people and not get blamed for it. hard to say where a virus was released. they could make it in Ukraine and release it in china?

@1patriot one thing is obvious. Communists killing for the greater good. Ray Dalio openly admits that killing and violence is "higher" thinking because nature will kill humans causing global warming to balance itself out. So communists creates the virus in China, obviously, made a virus that was immune to them, but killed blacks and whites. "Them" is the asians and ashkenazi jews, which robert Kennedy noted weren't staying from covid like everyone else, because "they" are the communists who created the virus, for tge greater good, to stop global warming. They never lead by example and kill themselves, that's the problem

@Communistbitch they knew what to use to treat Ivermectin they bad mouthed it on MSM but it works it took a week to rid it from your body.

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