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"Wyoming lawmaker proposes bill to make it a law that all blood donations from COVID-vaccinated Americans need to be labeled so recipients can reject it"


"State Rep. Sarah Penn sponsored a bill that would make it mandatory for all blood from vaccinated donors to be specifically labeled - and allow those who choose so to reject it in non-emergency situations, as reported by Cowboy State Daily."

"They fear that the blood from someone who has received a COVID-19 vaccine is 'tainted' in some way, as they cite concerns that it is linked to strokes and blood cuts, among other health issues."

"There is no evidence to suggest the vaccine leads to any health issues, despite a very small percentage of documented side effects.

But, because of these fears, which are founded on misinformation, some anti-vaxxers have asked physicians to give them blood from an unvaccinated person."

"Given that 70 percent of the US population is vaccinated, the bill would make it harder for Wyoming residents to get access to blood donations.

While the Red Cross said last month that it is facing a blood shortage emergency, the Red Cross does not collect blood in Wyoming, so its supply would not be affected."

1patriot 8 Feb 13

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I wouldn’t want vaxxed blood.
No thanks!

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