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Thousands Of Prominent Scientists Warn U.N.: ‘There Is No Climate Emergency’
A growing number of scientists and other professionals and experts are of the same mind that so-called "global warming" and other climate change fictions are just that: fiction.
At least 1,200 of them have signed on to the World Climate Declaration, which declares that there is "no climate emergency," despite what corrupt governments and academic institutions claim.

It turns out that the climate is always changing. And humans play little-to-no role in temperatures and weather patterns, which are dictated by factors far outside the control of mankind.

The political establishment and its official "science" outlets claim that it is a "settled" matter, but the World Climate Declaration specifies otherwise. (Related: Hundreds of scientists signed a similar declaration back in 2019 declaring the alleged climate emergency to be fiction.)

1patriot 8 Feb 14

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