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I'm a bookseller, so this is probably the best way for me to get involved in the community. What's your favorite book?

Librophile13 6 May 6

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78 comments (26 - 50)

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The Stranger


A Song of Ice and Fire

Marz Level 7 May 6, 2018

The Phantom Tollbooth - Norton Juster


Think & Grow Rich


Impossible to choose just one... so, in no particular order:
'Cider With Rosie' Laurie Lee
'Saturday Night and Sunday Morning' Alan Sillitoe
'Slaughterhouse Five" Kurt Vonnegut
'1984' and 'Animal Farm' George Orwell
'Lord of the Flies' William Golding
'Gormenghast' Mervyn Peake
'The Owl Service' and anything thereafter by Alan Garner


'All Passion Spent' Vita Sackville West.


Paradox by Jim Al-Khalili, it is a fascinating book about the nine greatest enigmas in physics.


Tie between A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby or Good Omens by Neil Gainmen and Terry Pratchertt
For a serious book Letters to a Young a Contrarian by Hitch. I’ve had both of my children read it.


Chariots of the gods


Juball Sackett by Louis L’Amour.


This is probably the 3rd time this topic has come up...? Not complaining, just noting.

Anyway, as stated previously, my all-time top-o'-the-list fave tome is TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST, by Richard Henry Dana.


Both involve journeys of profound discovery for the writers.

good we have book readers here. THere are always going to be fresh minds to the site

@Librophile13, I mentioned it so you could perhaps find the other posts and maybe add to your information base. I realize new people are coming in and don't know what's gone on prior.

I read Persig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance long ago (in fact I have it, with the intention of one day reading it again some 40 years on). I tried recommending it to someone, only to find that I didn't understand it very well at all. The guy went crazy trying to understand the meaning of quality, if I remember correctly.

@Coffeo , I reread periodically because there are some parts I still don't get entirely. Yes, he did become psychotic at one point. The main thing I got from the book was, whatever you do in life, go into it full bore, commit, and do the best you can.


Oh no......I have to make this choice again? I can't do it. I am currently loving the Charlie Parker series by John Connolly. I love these books and am currently waiting on pins and needles for his newest book.
The Stand, by Stephen King
Into The Forest by Jean Hegland
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig.
Non fiction, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight by Thom Hartman.


I only get to pick one?!?! That’s a really tough question. Probably Beach Music by Pat Conroy.

I love Pat Conroy's work as well.

He is missed.

He captured the soul of his spot on this marble.

@BufftonBeotch he’s my favorite author. I actually got to hear him speak several years ago. He signed a book and I had my photo taken with him ❤️


I love so many to pick a favorite would be to leave so many favorites out. I have loved so many books in so many genre over the years, I really could not answer this with any amount of truth or regret.


Fiction: "Jane Eyre", by Charlotte Bronte. Non-fiction: "Collapse", by Jared Diamond, or, "Pandoras Box" by Spencer Wells. Currently reading "Lost City of the Moneky God", by Douglas Preston.


I am a sporadic reader, but the best book I ever read was David Hackett Fischer's "Paul Revere's Ride". It was historical, but it read like fiction.


The old men and the sea


The God Virus. Dr. Darrel Ray. I believe it to be the most underrated book in all of atheism. It is a sociological look at religion and how it affects our thinking.

Sounds interesting! I’ll have to check it out.


The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum. It's a bit technical but a seriously cool read. Temple Grandin is pretty amazing.


So many to choose from so many genres!

If I had to I would choose The Dark Tower set from Stephen King.


Too many to name...I’ll think I have a favorite til the next great book comes along. One favorite author is Shirley Jackson. I discovered her in junior high, circa 1973. I was devastated to learn she had died years before(65, I think).


Fight Club


The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein


I don't think it is possible to have one favourite book but recent of the recent books I have read "The philosopher and the wolf" by Mark Rowlands, Zorba the Greek, Captain Correli's mandolin. and many more.

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