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This Is HUGE. Putin Exposes The CIA. Candace Owens
This Is HUGE. Putin Exposes The CIA. A real eye opener. A must watch and share everywhere!
Premiered Feb 9, 2024 Candace Owens Podcast

In his interview with Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin alleges that the CIA controls our Presidents. We already knew that due to the deep state's reaction to Trump, who they didn’t expect. But now, Putin is confirming it. They are dumbing down and drugging Americans en masse while overthrowing governments worldwide. But to what end?

Jaco writes:
The only mistake she makes is that she refers to NAZI as a far right group...It was a far left group..."National Sozialist" is a leftist collectivist ideology . Sozialist is the German spelling for socialist.

But our leftist socialist governments and MSM need for people to believe that the conservative right, their opposition, are the ones to worry about....Fascism and Communism are collectivist ideologies (leftist) they have historically been known for their shameless inversion of the truth as one of their main strategies.

Nazi fascists will always accuse their opposition of being NAZI fascists. Hitler even funded the Antifascistishe in the 1930's to antagonize any opposition to Hitler's fascist regime. Our own conservative party is also a leftist party, not right wing libertarian in any shape or form... that is why the direction of our country always remains on auto-pilot "steady as she goes" regardless of who we vote for...headed toward a Globalist Totalitarian governance.

Are you still confused?

1patriot 8 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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