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Jaco writes:
He also very cleverly exposed Truedolt and Zelensky as NAZIs...I had many times expressed here on librti, the parallel in our own Government, the US Democrats and RINOs, and the NAZI regime...They all used censorship and disinformation propaganda, their mistakes and crimes are covered up by a propagandist MSM and they virtue signal all their collectivist achievements as altruistic...Same ol' that Hitler was famous for. Political party names mean absolutely nothing...their modus operandi is what says it ALL.

The NAZI regime did not lose the war...they diversified...and here we are today with the UN, WEF, WHO, acting as self-proclaimed, unelected WORLD authorities.

Quote Truedolt; " Our diversity is our strength!"... he wasn't kidding, was he?

He must have learned to 'double-speak' from the likes of Obama, the Master himself...He could never have come up with that one on his own.

so shit in Canada as the USA both sides are bought and owned.

1patriot 8 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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