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What this post picture comment explains is true, but sometimes, depending on if you had a previous relationship ship, you may need some time and space before you are ready.

AntaresRose 8 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Never too late to fall in love with yourself. I think it's essential whether or not you're in a relationship.

A divorce is usually emotional even at its easiest, You usually feel guilty even if you know it was for the best. Before attempting another relationship, you need to forgive and love yourself before a new relationship will work.


But your arm can get awfully tired.

please change your comment. It was not meant as a physical quote. It was meant to give yourself the time to love yourself as an individual. I never meant the remark to be misconstrued like this.


Yes. I think I need the time and space, but I sure as hell don't want it....

it took me a long time to be ready to see someone seriously. I think it depends on the person and the circumstances. I really loved my husband and he me. We got married at 18. We were children raising children. I think that was most of it. Everyone needs to go Their own path in their own time and space. Sometimes when you least expect it, someone comes along that is the right one. I always hope that for all of us!

@BettyColeman That is a comforting thought. Thank you.


Have to be a little careful about that... a little self-examination is in order. But one thing you CAN do is go out and rescue a homeless dog who needs some love. I have 3 dogs now! 😉

@Crimson67 It's disappointing that someone would make such a response.

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