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AMERICAN NEWS Feb 23, 2024
ADL refuses to classify Nashville trans school shooter as far-left extremist
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has claimed that the Nashville killer who shot up a Christian school was not a left-wing extremist because the transgender shooter used the term "f%ggots" in the manifesto.

"Hale left some writings, not released by police, that they described as lacking any specific political or social issues. Three pages of a document were later leaked that contained hateful epithets directed at white and LGBTQ+ people, which did not provide evidence of any particular extremist ideology, but rather primarily resentment and grievance at students from the shooter’s former school perceived to be better off than the shooter was,” the ADL told the Daily Signal.

The terms the ADL cited as examples to justify this reasoning included "f%ggots" as an example of "epithets directed at ... LGBTQ+ people."

ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt posted to X that all murders in 2023 based on extremism were committed by "far-right extremists," according to their analysis of crimes in the US.

1patriot 8 Feb 23

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That is because generally left wingers are not the gun nuts who do mass shootings. It is almost always a far right winger who does that stuff.

And, outside of really far right wing media, nobody else is claiming the shooters are left wingers.

almost all of them were on anti depressants that's Liberal mental illness and your zionist news media.
the ADL sits in the back crying and make up the story usually done in a coordinated psyops......just try looking some of that up and don't do it from google.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is a powerful Jewish and Zionist lobby organization, based in New York in the United States, but with a presence also in some other countries. The organization was founded in 1913 by the B'nai B'rith, a Jews-only organization with similarities to Freemasonry, although the ADL is now stated to be independent. Both organizations are affiliated with the World Jewish Congress. if you take notice you post or reply to every thing in political liberal/conservative. try posting the real news here you defending ADL who could give a fuck if the killed.....these guys don't fuck around....

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