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I am sick of seeing the poxy royal inbred parasites flaunting their unbelievable wealth over another baby ie they're third, whose father told the whole world they must cut down the population and this stupid fucking wedding.i do my best not to watch the news or read papers yet it's on my homepage every poxy day. its fucking rude and a disgrace I think. what do you think? here's some real news that no one wants to look at.

LeighShelton 8 May 6

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I have never understood the whole royal thing. I understand even less the fascination Americans have for the royal thing.

its a load of stone age bullshit


Hold it a freckle. That is a most unconsidered post. Does that mean that if you are rich you are not allowed to have as many children as those who are poor? You call them parasites, yet most of their wealth is their own, not some state handout. Do you really believe that a republic is better? ... and have you not read the adulation and breathless prose of publications when a so-called "celebrity" does something?

the point LeighShelton is making, as far as i perceive it, is that a younger british royal keeps banging on about the dangers of population growth while himself procreating effusively - i think it's called hypocrisy. the english people also support the royals' lavish life style more than generously. []

@walklightly exactly, well said. most of their wealth is not their own. I don't think any government is better. what does freckle mean? why does so-called celebrity have to tell everyone there doing something good if not too blow their own trumpet? I'm sick of seeing that buffoon trump too. humans and especially rich humans just abuse this planet born with a silver spoon up their arse. princess Anne isn't all in the public eye all the time so it's not like they have too. this world needs way less of this greed going on.

@walklightly so three children is "procreating effusively". I thought the absolutely average, statistically bog standard family has 2.4 children. That means some must have had a third child.
Remember, I come from Africa, where state pensions rarely exist and where children are "security in old age". The more children, the more you had the better the guarantee for your future. Bear in mind that for centuries most people had died pretty young. So families with over 6 children are commonplace.
In 1962 Kenya's population was 8 million. Tanganyika (plus the island state of Zanzibar) had 10 million and Uganda only 6 and a half million.
Now, 55 years later, the numbers are Kenya - 48 million (a 6 fold increase.) Tanganyika (now called Tanzania after Tanganyika instigated a revolution in Zanzibar and then annexed the island) now has a population of 55 million (just under a 6 fold increase) and Uganda, has 41 million, despite all the wars and terrible carnage of the period between 1970 and 1985, has a population of 41 million (just over a 6 fold increase.)
To put that into perspective, the USA population has increased by 1.3 over the same period. Britain's figure is 1.4 times as many, yet both countries have seen heavy immigration.
This is what he was talking about.

@walklightly, @LeighShelton Rather than knee-jerk, republican rhetoric, please read this article, and you will understand why I am pragmatic on the monarchy issue.

@Petter no, I don't want too. just google population growth or watch a few David Attenborough wildlife programs and you will realise why I don't care for humans or greed and never had children.

@LeighShelton If you do not care for humans, what are you doing on this site, tell me?

@Petter most humans. I'm doing what I like

@LeighShelton True artistic temperament. I'm an overly logical engineer.

@Petter indeed

no, i won't read the article, @Petter. i am not in favor of keeping monarchies alive via the people's money. look up the definition of monarchy, & please, acknowledge the anarchist in me 🙂

@walklightly ... and the pragmatist in me. 🙂


Real news doesn't sell. Sadly royal weddings do. sigh.....

so true


Totally agree - it's the 21st Century and we should have abandoned the entire concept of the monarchy years ago. The whole lot of them can sod off to the middle ages where they belong. I think we should allow the upcoming wedding to take place first, though - the fact that Meghan is American, a feminist and has black ancestry must be getting Daily Mail readers and similar shitbrains so riled up that a significant percentage of them are at risk of fatal heart attacks.

Jnei Level 8 May 6, 2018

I remember when the socialist prime minister of Norway, was asked if he didn't find it strange that Norway, one of the most socialistic nations in the world, was a monarchy.
His reply summed it up perfectly. It is a constitutional monarchy, which therefore has no real power, but it saves us from many of the tiresome burdens of being the political leader of a nation, for instance entertaining foreign visitors of little real importance.
Then there is the advantage of not subjecting the nation to the high costs and political distraction of having to hold an acrimonious presidential election every 5 years, over and above a general election.
And unlike in a republic, what's the point of assassination?
And finally, each and every ex-president costs the nation untold amounts in round the clock security and pensions for many years.
Monarchy is a most pragmatic solution.

fuck yes I love what you just said lol. look what happened to lady Dianna when she tried to marry a Muslim.


And a bit of this to boot.

Coldo Level 8 May 6, 2018

a lot of that to boot my friend.

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