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They don't align with MOST Americans. Unfortunately, there are some ideots out there that are fine with these things though. And they think its okay for the very few to dictate what the rest of us should do. Very sad. []

captfeelgood 7 Mar 14

Enjoy being online again!

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You are correct. The Republican party does not align with what most Americans want for this country. They're the party of "patriots" who want to instill a criminal, traitor, and wannabe dictator as president. They're the party that professes freedom while working tirelessly to take away freedoms. They're the party of "liberty" that bans books and wages war on science. They're the party of "religious freedom" but only for themselves. They're the party that has stood in the way of every minority demanding equality. They're the party of the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the party that has ensured that this country has the most gun violence and mass shootings of any industrialized country in the world.

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