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Do you believe God helps those that help them selves even if they don't believe? I don't believe In God but do believe that one should do all you can do even when you know it will not be enough this is the way I try to live and then I just hope for the best.

River-david 5 May 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Audentes fortuna iuvat, fortune favors the brave


There is no god so he can't be helping you to help yourself. There is a strange truth in this however. My entire life has went by in ways that the bad is even made good and everything works out for me. It's as if I have an invisible guardian. This causes many to have belief in god.
They fail to see that it is themselves. If you have your own best interest in mind it will show in ways similar to this. Often I will have something I need in mind and 2 weeks later I find it. Then you think it was just waiting for you the whole time. It is you helping yourself. Pixies are not watching over you.


You have to help yourself there not god to do it.
It just another justication believer used then there god again does nothing.
I agree one should work to empower themselves.

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