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I cured my own cancer..... ivermectin/fenbendazole i did the high dose it looked to be the wrong choice. as it shut my liver down and i only had my kidneys and gall bladder working, was doing blood test every week my levels were all high drink lots of water to clean my blood. things were all coming back to normal level some things improved from what they were. with in 3 weeks my PSA went from 19.1 to 4.9 i through up 8 times in a row one day. my Lymthatic quit working so legs swelled up stomach got hard. i managed to get that working again with the help of my daughter Laura. i wound up in hospital with critical condition my sodium levels were to low and might lead to heart attack. spent 3 days in there i got all my energy levels back drinking 3 liters of water a day. My liver started working again i am keeping an eye on that i was up at 1400 and it was at 26 at one time it's now at 100 so it can only improve. my kids all pitched in to help Rocky keeping up to day on what drug they were giving me Dylan fixing equipment that need work. it was hard on Lise making me something to eat but i had no appetite lots of food went to the the cats. i am going to make a full recovery and so don't do the high dosage. i also had early stage COPD and i cured that at the same time. my blood oxygen was 90-93 for the last 2 years now it's at 99-97 percent of oxygen in my blood. so i can only get better from here onward. 35 years of flue shots were never any good we all have strong immune systems these flue shots were never any good for us.

1patriot 8 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I am glad you are getting better. No one looks to analyze the flu shot ingredients. I am taking Blackseed oil, Graviola, Apricot kernels, Ivermectin and Fenben.

i took the high dosage of ivermectin but that was the hard way the liver function went to 1440 only now is it dropped below 100 now. twice in the hospital as my sodium levels when critical. 3 day on IV to bring sodium levels up. liver function is headed back to normal now.

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