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Do gods need to exist for there to be saints who walked among us?

TheMiddleWay 8 May 6

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Sadoi Level 7 May 15, 2018

@TheMiddleWay hahahaha how do you like my new life phase? I call it "Short & Sweet" kinda like me!! Haha. It's life philosophy and bodily representation blended into one streamlined ideal!!

@TheMiddleWay Is this like the theory, "Do as I say, not as I do?" haha

@TheMiddleWay well, i tend to be privy to the theory of, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander!"

So in the thread of that brilliant theory... we shall BOTH fail in our medical career endevours! HAHAHAHA


I believe that Karl Marx was right. Religion is the dope for the masses. It gives the mostly unenlightened some guidance and hope.


They don't last long. Either we never see them--because they don't advertise--or we kill them. 😟


Somehow I do not think so. There are no saints alive on this planet. They have died of waiting a long time for a savior that will never come. It is a sad situation but one must face truth than spirits hidden all over your house recording everything you say or think. That is the god of the Bronze Age.


Depends on your definition of "Saint".

@TheMiddleWay I can see how semantics could get in the way of this discussion, but it Mr. Rogers was the benchmark, I'd love to see more saints on earth.

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