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Nostalgia Time

I often think back to the time (Miss Douglas's class) when I learned imperfectly (but passibly )how to do joined up writing . I wish someone would teach us all to do joined up thinking!

Mcfluwster 7 Apr 1

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I am not clear on "joined up writing." Do you mean cursive as opposed to printing? I have never heard the term "joined up writing."

Assuming you mean cursive, the analogy of connecting letters to thoughts does not hold up. "Joined up" writing does not mean that the words are spelled correctly, nor that the letters are perfectly formed. People process information differently and what would be "joined up" for one would not be joined up for others.

Reply to Gwen_Wanderer's comment
RE Joined up writing
The picture is a mixture of joined up writing i.e, a line of connecting ink goes from many letters to the letter before or after it. Obviously NOT to the first letter of a word etc. It was very fashionable when pens were used a lot even at the expense of readability.
Non Joined up writing would look like this.
Thomas David
Joined up writing is an easy option with pens and biros but not modern printers unless you pay a lot to calligraphers.
The photo is taken from my Family Bible where records were kept at birth and death . It is now redundant.

@Mcfluwster Never heard of it--thanks!


That would be interesting , to say the least, just how that would work.

Given the limited number of people capable of thinking for themselves, right…..👀

"how that would work?".Reply to MrDragon's comment Easy! Just EVERYONE should trace, record and share any link which connects a statement of 'pure' fact to an organisation interested in the consequences of the failure of correct thinking .
Who do you think SHOULD know about a 'pure' fact that could correct the Purity?

Just do not. ask me to whom you pass on your information

@Mcfluwster interesting, very interesting. How rude you are. As a response to your last statement, who is the one saying what is the correct thinking to be? And what do you do when one's personal experiences have no links? You see, it's not all that simple and has nothing to do with cursive writing. And it sucks for just having a general conversation unless, of course, you think that everyone here has to stay in a strict manner of only educational teaching. Well, whatever floats your boat, Friend.

@MrDragon I feel your fire and I am sorry if I sounded rude. It was not intended.

The fact is that I believe that we rely on too many journalists to do our joined up thinking for us. They are often not science trained and I happen to be annoying several people in my journey to spread science and I do not hesitate to simplify science because I realise it needs that change . I also suggest [The choice to do science is entirely yours] that linking opinions leads to greater and more effective government needs a lot of work and participation in getting your ideas across . I do not know you but I would not try to second guess your opinion anyway . In simple form :-Everyone, get active and engage in democratic communication. If everyone did then it WOULD be simple . But please demand the science first.
Perhaps I did put the cart before the horse.
In floating my boat I hope I have put the fire out temporarily

"Thank you, I appreciate your response. I agree that it's concerning how many people let biased journalists influence their opinions and interpretations of situations. In the United States, it's become a major issue where individuals listen to programs such as Fox and Friends and accept their biased opinions as scientific facts. These journalists should be held accountable for their statements that have led to many deaths. It's also disheartening how many people have become mentally lazy and rely on these types of sources for information. The state education system's overall quality has declined, and parents seem to not care. Science, when appropriately applied, will always provide the truth. I only used Fox and Friends as an example of a problematic source."

@Mcfluwster that is not how I interpreted your "joined up" thinking. I did not have the slightest clue that you were referring to "linking" information.

@Gwen_Wanderer Reply to Gwen_Wanderer

Thanks for being direct. What I should have said was . "We leave so much of our analysis to untrained Journalist BJ was one , once analysed correctly it is easy for you to link facts to those who should be acting upon them." NB They are not trained in science.

@Mcfluwster there ya go! Much clearer! Remember, I make a living pointing out to people how their writing is unclear. 😛

@Gwen_Wanderer Please tell me Gwen what testing device to you use to make that living!!!

@Mcfluwster my tools are a teaching credential, an MA, 20+ years of experience in teaching writing/literature, and the grading rubrics devised by me or the schools.

This morning, I received a message from a student in a composition class at the for-profit university where I teach. He wanted to know why he had an "F" in the class as he had submitted every assignment. I guess he didn't read the feedback on the assignments where I explained why he lost points.

@Gwen_Wanderer As an EX mixed ability Teacher I know what you were up against. I want to teach everyone a new way of obtaining skill in science. You certainly know the skill of asking searching questions . I would love to teach you the skill of using science in all subjects

@Mcfluwster thanks, but I see no need to teach science in a literature class. However, in one of my grad courses, we read Dr. J and Mr. Hyde and we do discuss how advances in science in the Victorian era affected the work. Dr. J. used science to concoct the potion which turned him into Mr. Hyde--it was not a magic potion. Evolution comes into play and also, Lombroso's outdated methods of deducting who is a criminal and who is not.

Students in the composition classes I now teach are not assigned a full essay and there is little opportunity to even write about science.

Writing an essay requires factual support for all claims regardless of the topic. There is no room for using personal opinion for supporting a claim/argument. Asking searching questions is key--even lit papers begin with a research question.

After all, do science teachers seek to incorporate/teach literature in class?

@Gwen_Wanderer Reply to Gwen_Wanderer.
Actually what is more important to all teaching processes is which teaching subject is the most basic. Lots of teachers WOULD say english and Maths but if you have a real problem you will solve it in your own language even if it is sign language and people generally avoid problems with numbers in. I want all people to do basic science all the time . You need only your mind and five senses. Everyone can already do it but it is not ENHANCED.

What would be my first science lesson for you? Listening to someone simulating old english. Homework Write an essay comparing the changes over time. In that lesson and Homework you are doing science.

@Mcfluwster since I don't create the lessons for two of my schools, you'll have to advise them!

Comparing language is a linguistic issue, not an issue of analyzing the work per literary aspects.

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