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House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski.

Do you know it? Have you read it?

I found it one of the most immersive books I have ever read.

Also terrifying, in a slow burn way.

Note that you need to read a hard copy of this. One of my favourite aspects of the hard copy is that the word "house" is a different font colour. Which means it stands out every time it appears. Given the nature of the house in question, that really has an impact.

Highly recommended.

Palindromeman 7 May 6

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Picked this up from the library on Friday. As I’m checking out, the clerk comments about how creepy it is. Can’t wait to read it!!

That is great. Looking forward to hearing your reactions and thoughts.


Definitely quite the experience. It's a heavy read. You could just skim it, but you might miss an important clue.

My favorite was reading one of the letters in the appendix and realizing that the letter was written under duress and that the real message was at the beginning of each sentence (or paragraph maybe; it's been a while since I read it).


Thanks for the recommendation. Adding it to my TBR list.

Just be aware you won't see houses the same way again... 🙂


Thanks, can’t wait to read it!


Yep. I read it, and it was definitely weird and immersive. And scary.


It’s on my to-read list.


His sister is/was the musician Poe. A couple of the songs off her Haunted album tie into House of Leaves.

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