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As Terry Pratchett once remarked, "we used to say a lie was halfway round the world before the truth had got its boots on. "
Guess what, the truth has got its running shoes on

Israel's disgusting lies revealed

LenHazell53 9 Apr 14

Enjoy being online again!

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The long arm of hatred reaches generation after generation. Compromise is the only sane thing that neither side seems to exhibit. A very sad situation. Dam grateful I don't live there.


"According to polling by The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research last December, 57 percent of Gazans believe the Oct. 7 attacks were justified while 37 percent said they were not right. On the West Bank, an astonishing 82 percent said Hamas was right. Perhaps most chilling, more than 90 percent of all Palestinians said they did not believe Hamas committed atrocities on Oct. 7."

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