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Some very good questions posed by the head of the World Council for Health raised at the Geneva conference.
"Geneva press conference on Human Rights and COVID-19:
1- Why were we not told that the Covid 19 virus was patented by Moderna in 2018?
2- Why did Moderna produce 100,000 Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 before the pandemic started?
3- Why, against all scientific evidence, were lockdowns and masks used?
4- Why were we not told that the ‘vaccine’ does not remain in the arm, but accumulates all over the body?
5- Why was PCR testing recommended when it is not designed for diagnostic purposes?
6- Why were the definitions of ‘vaccine’, and ‘herd immunity’ changed prior to the Covid-19 outbreak?
7- Why was a pandemic declared when the case fatality rate was akin to ’flu?
8- Why were tests on genotoxicity, teratogenicity, and carcinogenicity not carried out, and yet we were told the ‘vaccine’ was safe?
9- Why was there no proper follow-up of all people injected when using a new gene therapy product?
10- Why were doctors and the public not reminded regularly about the need to report adverse reactions to these new and experimental genetic ‘vaccines’?
11- Why was a ‘vaccine’ recommended during an ongoing pandemic, which is contraindicated in vaccinology?
12- Why was a ‘vaccine’ recommended for those who had superior natural immunity?
13- Why was a novel gene therapy launched after three months, instead of the required ten years?
14- Why were we not told that, in the Pfizer trial, more people died in the vaccinated group than in the control group?
15- Why were we told that Covid injections were ‘safe and effective’ when the evidence did not substantiate this?
16- Why were – and are – opposing voices from science and practicing medicine discredited, punished, and jailed?
17- Why were doctors, for the first time in history, discouraged from treating a disease, and told to wait for a vaccine?
18- Why was early treatment discouraged, whilst we know it is the most important tool to address any infectious disease?
19- Why were effective and very safe medicines like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin discredited and even prohibited?
20- Why did the producers of the novel gene therapies not want their data to be published for 75 years?
21- Why were Covid injections, masks and lockdowns recommended for children when it was known that they were not severely affected and did not spread Covid?
22- Why were the Covid injections recommended in pregnancy, when over 80% of babies were lost in trials when women were vaccinated in the first trimester?
23- Why was emergency approval guaranteed when over 2,000 people died within the first three months after vaccination roll-out?
24- Why is there no scientific outcry after over 3,500 papers have been published demonstrating side effects of the Covid-19 injections?
25- Why are conflicts of interest tolerated among medical authorities, with the FDA, EMA, and WHO being 80-90% funded by industry?
26- Why was there no adequate education of doctors, patients, and the public, and thus no possibility of informed consent?
27- Why and how were the media captured so that they pushed only one agenda worldwide?
28- Why were and are effective treatment protocols, which have existed since 2020, banned and declared illegal?
29- Why are we not told about the unnecessary deaths that were attributed to Covid but actually caused by iatrogenic measures (e.g. Midazolam, ventilation) carried out in early 2020?
30- Why was the fundamental role of Vitamin D status, diet, and the microbiome not communicated, when these measures could have prevented almost 100% of Covid deaths?
31- Why was and is a certain medical procedure forced upon people against their will, whilst the Nuremberg Declaration clearly opposes this?
32- Why is gain of function research, like that relating to Covid-19, not banned worldwide?
33- Why is an mRNA product still being used, when we know that mRNA is being incorporated into the human genome, and resulting in the production of other, unknown, proteins?
34- Why has the failed mRNA concept not been stopped, when we know it increases the likelihood of the recipient getting Covid-19, thus demonstrating negative efficacy?
35-Why do these products continue to be recommended, when at least 17 million people are believed to have died due to the injections?
36-Why is there no investigation into excess deaths, and increases in rates of cancer and heart problems, etc., which started in 2021, not in 2020?"
BOOM! HOW" GOOD" IS THAT!? Now right click, copy and get pasting everywhere ! The mouse is greater than the sword!

1patriot 8 Apr 21

Enjoy being online again!

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