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Metaphors of Transformation: From Caterpillars to Consciousness

Did you know that in the world of caterpillars, butterflies are merely a myth? Every now and then, a caterpillar might stumble upon a butterfly, but it's usually met with the same skepticism as a human spotting an extraterrestrial. Similarly, humans experience a profound transformation in death that shakes up their understanding of themselves and their place in existence. For caterpillars, it seems like life stops at the cocoon, and while they may have some inklings about what comes next, the true nature of transformation remains a mystery to them, as it does to us.

Isn't it fascinating how such profound change can unfold beyond the comprehension of those who haven't experienced it? It's as if consciousness and life itself operate on various levels. Perhaps existence is like a ladder or helix that we're always striving to ascend, even if we can't see the next rung. Yet, there's this fear of the unknown, this fear of falling. But in a spiritual sense, does such a fall even exist? It does not, as we are of God. Let's keep climbing higher.

Drank_Spear 7 Apr 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Unless you are claiming to communicate with caterpillars and can provide evidence of such, why should you be believed? Why would their transformation into butterflies not be on par with puberty?

Betty Level 8 Apr 28, 2024

@Drank_Spear have no idea.

@Betty its called the Dunning-Kruger effect.

@Drank_Spear Wow! Defensive much?

@Drank_Spear That too.

@Drank_Spear You are funny and predictable. Thanks for the laugh. 🙂

@Betty Yes I love the retro feel, it is like being with someone who has been in a coma since the nineteen eighties, has just woke up and found the Dunning-Kruger effect, cognitive dissonance, etc. and wants to tell everyone.

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