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In part one of my interview with virologist Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, he explained how the Covid vaccines interact with the innate and adaptive immune systems and how the sub optimal immune response which results from the vaccines leads to immune refocusing of the virus, which allows it to continually mutate and pass back into the vaccinated population as new variants.

But where does that process end?

Dr. Vanden Bossche has become convinced that eventually, probably quite soon, the virus will stop mutating for transmission and instead mutate to become more virulent. Much more virulent. But only in the vaccinated.

He believes that when this happens it will move through the vaccinated population so quickly that our health care systems will collapse, and far worse, that potentially billions could die.

But there is hope for the vaxxed. With his deep knowledge of vaccines, Dr. Vanden Bossche believes there may be a way for the vaccinated to protect themselves against this doomsday scenario.

And the answer lies in another vaccine. Not an mRNA vaccine, but a common vaccine that has been around for years and that anyone can get just by going to their doctor.

1patriot 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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