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A question for the Brains Trust:

YouTube has a multitude of videos of karens being karens. There seems to be something in common with all those karens, that being a disastrous failure to think about their behaviour.

What are your thoughts on that idea, please?

anglophone 9 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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There have always been "Karens" we just used to call them dickheads and told them to fuck off. However since the 1980s there has been an explosion of epidemic proportions of this sort of entitled, idiocy, where the last resort is the first option, and the idea that you may be wrong is "offensive". Victim mentality is virtue and feelings matter more than facts.
Don't worry the ideology is fundamentally flawed and eventually will consume itself, just as feudalism did and all the other failed "moralities".


Exactly, it’s a sense of entitlement and that everything revolves around you and meets your self centred needs at the expense of everyone else.

An arrogant woman attempted to interrupt and talk to a shop staff member whilst I was being served in a sports shop. Recall that I was looking to see if there was a t-shirt on sale advertised online that was in stock. Amazingly, I think she had some family members with her, wow, what a great role model for them.

I simply interrupted her in turn, walking between her and the staff member, calmly saying I was sure that she would be served after the shop assistant had finished talking to me. Of course, being entitled, she tried to talk over me to the assistant a second time. I just repeated the statement as she was talking, in a factual and neutral tone whilst looking directly at her.

She did some weird pose with her palm flat upwards and then sensibly gave up. I have no idea what that reaction meant. Maybe she was confused by my response and didn’t know either, lol.

Thwarted entitled rude woman, excellent outcome.

By the way, the t-shirt wasn’t in stock!

My sister works in retail, she can’t stand people who exhibit that kind of attitude and behaviour. I talked to her about the situation, she said that some people have no idea about their arrogant behaviour.

Never go to India, the high castes snap fingers at all others. I was waiting for a coffee, minutes, at Ranchi airport. He just made it and this arsewipe walked up, rattled off in Hindu then took off with my coffee. The server apologised to me and said he would make a fresh one. I said "don't bother" and walked off disgusted, didn't even want my money back. To his credit, he walked over and gave it to me in the waiting area. A lot of that shit goes on there.

@puff Wow, that’s shocking.

My friend is married to a person who is considered low caste in India. She has shared some of her experiences with me. Told me that if she goes to a neighbouring state, her caste is higher. It’s crazy shit, as you said.

The most appalling thing she mentioned was how her school mates told her that she would never get married, as her skin was too dark. She’s from Southern India, state of Kerala.


If you feel entitled, then one of the things you will feel entitled to do is, not think.


Being unhappy in their own lives and unwilling to accept responsibility, they feel entitled to blame others to make themselves feel better.

Betty Level 8 May 30, 2024

You read my mind. They don't want anyone to be happy when they're not. They're just spreading the misery.


It's a symptom of their sense of ENTITLEMENT.


They believe themselves to be entitled, a cut above the rest of us and thus their needs and wants are superior to the rest of us plebs.

puff Level 8 May 30, 2024

Sounds as if you would blend in with the very easily.

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