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It would be incredibly easy for me to pretend to be Xtian and fool the believers. I know the Bible better than 99% of the Xtians whom I meet and can appear to be 100% guileless and honest.

Hmmm . . .

Gwen_Wanderer 7 June 1

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I see a very profitable televangelist!

Anyone remember Marjoe Gortner? He went from child evangelist into movie contracts.

When I was a practicing pagan, I had several friends who said I should start my own religion. However, I was too ethical. After all, look what L. Ron Hubbard started when he created his own religion.

Want to be my agent?

@DenoPenno I remember him! I also remember he said that he could walk into any church in America, repent his sins, and be accepted back into the flock even if he didn't mean it.

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