How often we have used the words "Nuremberg code" for argument against the Covid mandates & jabs, yet no one seems to have bothered using the important details listed within that code.
The fact that all those who went ahead and committed crimes against humanity, regardless of this code of ethics, are NOT presently behind bars, is yet another ongoing crime being committed on top of it all.
"Just following orders", was not an acceptable excuse to commit immoral acts back then either.
I liked it better before COVID when you conspiracy loons stayed underground because you knew no one took you seriously. Crawl back under that rock would ya?
keep on masturbating lovin large dildo's!
@1patriot Classic projection.
@LovinLarge no just an ignorant reply to ignorant post that's the best you can do.... just fuck off and go some where else it's ugly bitchs like you that fucked up this country and now the world.
@1patriot You're an illiterate waste of skin that is a drag on rather than a contributor to the community like everyone else. I'd support a Christian who tries to help others over a toxic waste dump like yourself any day of the week. May you be fatally hit by a bus in the near future.
@LovinLarge she you doing it again you got Tourette's likely brought on by you sex education you been teach to children!