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I have a question, though. How did he manage to foot massage the very first lion without being killed? 😬😁😆

No, this is not a hunting photo.....Briton Alex Larenty lives on a game reserve in South Africa and spends his days giving lions foot massages. One day, he discovered that every time a lion was applied a cream to cure an infection on its paws, the lion would slacken and appear to smile. Since then, he has massaged all the lions in the park on a daily basis. Thanks to the pampering, he created a bond such that just by seeing him arrive, the lions lie down, begin to stretch their legs and smile. With love and respect, all relationships are possible!

Ryo1 8 June 5

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I wonder if he would make a house call for an elderly woman who would also love a foot massage.

I'll massage your feet then you can teach me to dance in the moonlight. 😉

@Betty deal!

When shall I expect you? 😉

@Betty umm, I was expecting YOU!

@Gwen_Wanderer Well, since I don't drive, (I gave up my licence several years ago) and I can't fly. The walk will be just a tad too long. 😉

@Betty since I am directionally impaired, I would most likely go in the opposite direction the route I should take.

I do not drive after dark. I will need cataract surgery in the next year or so. That might improve my night vision.

However, that is not why I get lost.

@Gwen_Wanderer Would you like me to send you a GPS? I still have the one from before I gave up driving. Although it is an 18-hour drive, that may be a problem.

@Betty when I semi-retire or retire altogether, I might take you up on that!

@Gwen_Wanderer Deal. 🙂

By the way...I am also "directionally impaired".

@Betty we are twins separated at birth!


My position on this is clear.


What a wonderful discovery. How come circus performers \ trainers didn't discover this?

The 1st time the lion probably had a thorn in its foot that it couldn't remove on its own. There are many such examples of need other than hunger being satisfied by unusual\ unexpected human : animal reactions.

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