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TRANS agenda now killing children in schools. Sogi and trans shitt in schools now making children depressed and creating mass murders in schools wow. its not rocket science that when you tell lies the conflict with real since this happens. EXCLUSIVE IMAGE From Nashville Trans Shooter’s Manifesto – Killer Wrote About Columbine Mass Shooting and the Death of Her Trans Self – “DIE AIDEN!” this is what happens when you teach lies to brainwash people based on no facts. []

1patriot 8 June 8

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Imagine North America is trying to sell this gender ism pronouns to the African countries and BRICS as a cultural and part of economics and trade included.

They will be laugh at and humiliated from most of the Global community.


Hate is conservative fuel. Without it, they would be stranded not knowing what the do.

and you liberals would say ah the poor guy was mentally challenged. and than say we need more sex education to fuck kids head up! i believe you suffer from the same affliction


It’s all part of the radical democrat agenda.

it is and they are killing millions....

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