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“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” ― Albert Einstein

captfeelgood 7 June 14

Enjoy being online again!

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What have you ever explained here, even simply? You post links to trigger the libs with some snarky superficial aside. That’s it. One trick pony.

😆😂🙄 You poor thing! Apparently, the topic doesn't HAVE to even be political, and your simple mind gets offended. Now where do you think the problem is exactly? If you're so sensitive that you can't take some different perspective once in a while, I STRONGLY suggest you either ignore my posts/responses, or just block me. I'm sure you have been VICTOMIZED quite enough from the likes of me. Now just go get back in your bubble and GFY. 😊👍


Why do idiots vote for Trump?

Insatiable thirst for the tears of dyslexic liberals, I guess. 😎


It's simply the reason idiots vote.

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