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Yea and now you can get the untested bird jab too!

1patriot 8 June 17

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If I was injured by a vaccine I would still go back to those who gave it because they would be the best people to correct whatever is happening.

A restaurant would lose its licence if it had several cases of bad food or service, So I trust the authorities which check on that

There is no way that the Research Institutes who produced the recent and continuing new vaccines are going to lose their licence in the forseeable future . Just look at the stats.

.Give up?

i was pointing to the the insanity of vaccine they can not or don't have to be accountable for deadly shots, but they see the injuries or hear about but turn a blind eye to it. i am not going to stop you from taking any thing. if you want to take a bullet go ahead. but these same people believe i should be forced to take this shot, why would I are you taking it?

@1patriot YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE THAT THEY SHOW A BLIND EYE . I do not think that you understand how much of "the great UNKNOWN" is out there when they find a vaccine that might work. They,the scientists ARE working on it but it needs a lot more research to be sure that everybody will have a vaccine that is safe for them

@Mcfluwster yea, yea we all read the part were it takes 10 years to develop a safe and effective vaccine. That still doesn't mean they are safe children now have like 50-to 80 vaccines before there 10 years old. Unless your Amish than they do get any shots like man has done for thousand of years. so what is the life expectancy of an Amish person. no less than the average person getting shots.

@1patriot I cannot follow the logic of your comparison with the Amish . Do they just keep themselves to themselves and not mix with other people;e? . You have that option.

@Mcfluwster fun that this is so hard to understand most people would understand right away your about the only one that say you don't understand i thought you pride yourself on science....i am i wrong?

@1patriot No you are not wrong . every answer gets us closer to agreement

@Mcfluwster i my own observation in the early 1970's they were coming around schools to give us a polio drink it was a pink dot in a white plastic spoon the first time i seen a plastic spoon. my older brother had bad allergies and our family doctor said don't let Wayne take that polio vaccination. 6 month later the doctor told my mother to bring Wayne in to have him tested and the doctor said yes Wayne contracted polio but his body fought it off. to this day he has never been vaccinated for any thing . he's four years old than me. healthier than me, i have had the flu shot for 35 years, i have not had the c-19 as I read about it before the government was pushing it. we both work hard. i had COPD (I am a non smoker) and i had prostrate cancer, he has nothing as matter of fact most of his allergies are gone. now i read lots on medical both my daughter's are in medical industries. one is a doctor and one is administration. the doctor one tells me these flu vaccines were shit they put in our bodies and it's a slow death. well death has been knocking on my door. but i beat the cancer on my own for now and i beat the COPD my blood is bright red lots of oxygen in it. it used to be black/red and my oxygen is at 95-99%. it use to be at 88-93% to low. i feel better than i have felt for years.

@1patriot What an amazing medical buletin !. On the face of it you have every reason to want to get a full science attitude a.s.a.p. I am trying to get more people;e to reach a stage where you use science to stop you worrying but you seem to have overcome things largely yourself and with bad happenings to relatives which were not your fault . I am currently writing about all my science EDUCATION ideas for the future but it is hard. I will send you a copy if you want

@Mcfluwster sure i would be interested

@1patriot I will send you a sample page and you can ask for more

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