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Faith is believing in ...

snytiger6 9 June 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Me saying "I am not stupid enough to have faith" seems to annoy the crap out of all religitards.

If you see the word "faith" as religious then, I agree.
I don't use the word that way. I have faith that I will live another day. I have faith that you will understand me. 🙂

The words faith, hope, and belief are not religious words. Religions claim them and use them to control their flock.

@Betty Agreed. I see religitards as exploiting the ambiguity of the word "faith" for their own ends.


I would prefer to say that Faith is anything that is believed without evidence." So it does not matter. whether you are in right or wrong mind. Actually it is a human mental device to carry on as normal without bothering to search for evidence and may effect your attitude to everything. Eg "I do not like my new neighbors but I have not talked to them yet and I don't care to"

@Drank_Spear It obviously has to reach you to be effective. Yes we have to agree what evidence is relevant .

@Drank_Spear It must have reproducaeability for a start or in some way made immutable through time and be date certian

@Drank_Spear Evidence you first meet is going to resonate with your random experience OR NOT. To be useful it must resonate with an unknown multiple number ofindividuals but only those with some power can do anything with it. So get your evidence to the top person by whatever means . Sometimes newspapers help

@Drank_Spear Yes we all have to work at hat problem of different views. It is stopping us moving forward against religion


Archie was such a bigoted ass!!
But freaking hilarious!!😂

Yes, but that line was written for him by someone who might have it all together.

@DenoPenno Yes Archie was an actor, role playing a bigot. In real life was quite a liberal along with Noman leer.

@theyweretripping Rob Reiner said that Carroll O'Conner was more liberal than he was in real life.

@DenoPenno Yes, he played the role exceptionally!😂

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