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And an addendum to my earlier post about why Xtians evangelize for selfish reasons.

I have had several people who tried to do good deeds for me and I explained I didn't need their help, i.e. I was trying to get some stamps out of a machine and did not enough change. A woman tried to give change to me, but I told her it was fine as I did not need the stamps right away.

She replied, "Don't rob me of my blessing!" Her tone was light, but she was serious and was racking up brownie points with god for being kind. The same type of scenario has been repeated in other circumstances.

And gee, I'm kind for the sake of being kind and because I am empathetic. Go figure.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 June 24

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Remind them of Matthew 6:1-6

I do but find it has NO effect on them!


Funny, growing up and attending parochial school we were taught things that seem outdated in today's world. One was not to wear one's religion on one's sleeve (don't advertise your faith). Another was the idea of Agape love [] One does things out of simple love and care and not to gain something. Loving a god should not be predicated on getting a final reward. Without the carrot and stick we would not have the religious problems we have today. I thing many of us atheists have seen the fallacy of rewards and punishments which makes it easy to escape the religious trap.

I have often pointed out to Christians that they are supposed to "pray in a closet," but many do not seem to know this verse!

You are right about what Xtians are "supposed to do," but most do not adhere to their book.

I also often say that atheists have the higher ethical ground: we choose to be kind and not because a god will reward us. Yup, it makes us feel good but on the other hand, the saying that "a good deed never goes unpunished" is also correct sometimes.

@Gwen_Wanderer I see all the time that the religious (not just Ctians) think they have the higher moral ground. Of course this comes with an inability to think things through. For me religion was benign and didn't really affect me. That's why it took me so long to have the Duh moment as to how any religious beliefs are narcissistic and totally without value or substance.

@pedigojr when I first learned about the Crusades and honest history which accurately portrayed colonizers as cruel and who used god as an excuse for enslaving people, I realized that religion was not benign. However, the issues never affected me personally (or I didn't realize it) until I understood that according to the Bible, I was to be submissive to men for no other reason than I am a woman.

I also began to learn/understand how religion was used to control the populace. Now, with the suppression of LBGT and the bans being lifted on abortion, it continues to be oppressive.

I still maintain, though, that religion is another tool in the hands of ruthless people--mostly men. Religion is like any other form of ideology, i.e. patriotism, used to manipulate the general public.

@Gwen_Wanderer It might be interesting to see if women left religion at an earlier rate than men as it is (and getting worse) the women that were put in a position of increasing restrictions. Still growing up I had lots of other interests and religion wasn't really on my radar. I was hoping to find something that could help me make a decision and now I see there is proof everywhere. My late partner was Iranian and the first thing I learned in Farsi was fes fes zu (slowpoke).

@pedigojr it would be interesting to know about the number of women vs. men leaving and also, if they made a fuss when they left or just left.

When I left the church, there was a fuss--not so much by me, but by the elders.

I find it interesting that women comprised the majority of the early church. There were also a percentage of slaves. I think the reason why Xtianity outpaced Mithraism was because women and slaves were allowed in whereas in Mithraism, they weren't.

@Gwen_Wanderer An item in the 'Atlantic' was about red-shirting boys in the first grade. The girls have a mental advantage at that age and leaving boys behind for that first year helps them keep up with the females. I had tonsillitis at that time and had to repeat the 1st grade. Little did I know that would, later give me an advantage. Problem is, boys from lower income families could not wait as school is a day care for many families. Only the wealthy can afford to do this which may give the upper classes an edge.

@pedigojr due to my birthday being in Nov., I was always older than other students by at least a few months, but that can make a difference. Although girls have the mental advantage at that age, they do not have advantages in other ways. For example, my first grade teacher told the class that "any boy" in the class could grow up to be president. Girls were never encouraged to aspire to succeed. And the teacher was wrong--not one of those boys had a chance to grow up to be president.

Girls were going to grow up to be wives and mothers. Things have changed, though, since 1958.

@Gwen_Wanderer True but that's not a personal issue but a cultural one that is slowly changing. My daughter seemed ahead, mentally, but behind physically. She started walking a little later than expected.

@pedigojr it is a cultural issue but for centuries, it was considered to be biological. i.e. Women were deemed to be not as smart or as logical as men per biological issues, including menstruation.

The "logical" part per hormones is amusing and frustrating. When most men are inflamed with sexual passion or just attraction, they are not logical. ("Most" as maybe some aren't.)

@Gwen_Wanderer Basic fact is that women's brains are wired differently than men: "The male brain is wired from front to back, with few connections across the two hemispheres. Women, on the other hand, have more wiring from left to right, so the two hemispheres are more inter-connected."
Unfortunately this might be in response to the need for nurturing the next generation but because of the need for childbearing their plumbing is also different and after a certain age plumbing issues arise (like I'm telling you something you don't already know).
Funny, but I'm a huge fan of the video series "Grantchester" In the new season the detectives wife is having 'issues' and been put on tranquilizers which has also changed her personality. The husband got an older female aid to talk to is wife and she told the wife it is simply a part of hormone imbalance. It will end and when it does so her life will be amazing. No more pills and more understanding. This series is taking place in 1961.

@pedigojr regardless of how our brains are wired, women are not less logical or less intelligent than are men. I have been told by men whose IQ and/or education did not even approach my IQ/education that I can't think "logically" and can't be good at math or science because I am female.

I am not sure to which age related "plumbing" issues you refer.

@Gwen_Wanderer It appears they are at an early age. The time is menopause. Men who form gender based negative opinions are basically egoists and may suffer from low self esteem. Many have said my late partner was the most rational person they have ever known. She had a super quick mind and could put anyone in their place with a few words. She was also an immigrant and English was her 2nd language (learned at the age of 24). Maybe she was an exception but one cannot make generalities especially gender based ones.

@pedigojr when I went through menopause, I stopped having periods--no hot flashes or hormonal related issues. Well, I left my husband of 25 years, but that had been coming for a long time.

Men have "plumbing" issues, as well. I have known several men personally who had prostrate issues. Having dated men in their 60s, I can well attest to issues of sexual dysfunction in older men--even older men who were younger than I was by five years or so.

@Gwen_Wanderer It's true but our one big issue is nothing like what women have to go through. For me it has become clear a lot of these issue, especially the dysfunction ones are self inflicted to to inactivity and poor diet. The Netflix series "You are what you eat" shows how a change in diet can affect a woman's arousal among other things.


Christians often think it's selfish, if you give someone something because, it may make you feel good.

I do it out of kindness and it may feel good. Mainly we need more kindness in the world, than we need more religion.

All we have in life is what we give away.


Sometimes I will do something similar;it feels good to me when I do. I do not believe in a deity,but,I do believe in being kind.


I would just have taken the change, bugger of what the think.

Ya know, I can't remember if I found another quarter in my pocket or took her change! It was well over 15 years ago. I just found it amusing--as I have other times--that women (ALWAYS women) who don't want to be "robbed" of their blessings.

@Gwen_Wanderer Women have to do more. In religion, they are "less than" and can never equal men.

@Betty you are right--this has been the status quo in and out of religion for thousands of years; now, it is much more prevalent in religion than in secular society.

@Gwen_Wanderer The politicians have taken up that banner. I doubt many of them are true believers as they do not adhere to the doctrines but use them to benefit themselves.

@Betty Not only in religion are women "less than".

@BettyTraumpass is the perfect example.

@Jolanta men have used religion to suppress and subjugate women for millennia. Religion was just used as a vehicle to validate the poor treatment--who could argue with god?


I got it. Back in 1972 I did (deed not mentioned) and I got so and so. To mention it takes the magic away. According to old country songs god has a big "tallybook" and he goes around keeping tabs and score on everything. What else is there for gods to do?

I dunno....maybe SMITE people?

For starters, clean the environment!

@pamagain apparently, he has delegating smiting to his dedicated followers!

Right...god is supposed to be the alpha and omega. He knows all...yet...he needs to tally the good deeds??? He doesn't know so much, after all. 😂

@Betty which leads back to the question of why people should have to pray at all.

@Gwen_Wanderer It is a form of self-hypnosis.

@Betty and, going back to one of my earlier threads on delusion, it is self-delusion. This delusion is entered into willingly and is cherished.

@Gwen_Wanderer It is one of the sacrifices to gain favour with their lord and master.

Smite more xians.

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